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Llama, Walnut, Cast Stone, Macaw Feathers, Books, Copper, Obsidian, Found Branch, Steel Chain, Bullet Casings, Epoxy Resin,
Chamomile Petals, Rose Petals, Huaryruro Seed, Prayer Beads, 42″ x 22.5″ x 11.5″, 2023

Mallqui II, Found Branch, Copper Chain, Copper Nails, Cast Stone, Rosaries, Prayer Beads, Steel, Juniper Branches
Alpaca Wool, Wax, Bullet Casing, Epoxy Resin, Dried Yellow Potato, 4 x 2 x 6 feet, 2023

“Sacred Heart”, Red Cedar, Copper Chain, Huayruro Seed, Macaw Feathers, Prayer Beads, Rosary, Copper Nails 12″ x 10″ x 1″, 2023
Longinus, Cast Stone, Copper, Epoxy Clay, Macaw Feathers, Copper Chain, Steel, 66″ x 12″ x 24″, 2023

Amaru, Red Cedar, Copper, Steel, Cast Stone, Alpaca Skull, Copper Chain, Artificial Pothos, Huayruro Seeds, Medallion, Prayer Beads, Dried Yellow Potatoes, 54″ x 30″ x 12″, 2023

Calvario, Found Charred Wood, Steel, Cast Stone, Rose Petals, Juniper Branches, Polyurethane Resin, Epoxy, Wax, Rosaries,
Copper, Huayruro, Medallion, Alpaca Wool, 45″ x 24.5″ x 12″, 2023

Tableau, Walnut, Epoxy Resin, Huayruro Seed, Copper Chain, Medallion, Copper Drypoint, Prayer Beads, 2.5’x1’, 2023
Mallqui, Found Branch, Copper, Cast Stone, Macaw Feather, Huayruro Seeds, Medallion, Crucifix, Prayer Beads, Found Charcoal, Bullet Casing, Epoxy Resin, Dried Yellow Potato, 4 x 2 x 6 feet, 2023

Transubstantiation, Cast Stone, Artificial Pothos, Copper Etching, Steel Nails, Copper Nails, 5’x.75’x.5′, 2022

Untitled (clutching, fixed), Artificial Pothos, Cast Stone, Copper Nail, Copper Chain, Huayruro Seeds, Medallion, 20”x20”x6”, 2022
Untitled (hand, pierced), Polyurethane Resin, Copper Nails, 8″x6″x5″, 2022
Ángel Guardián, Polyurethane resin, Scarlet Macaw Feathers, Obisidian, Prayer Bracelet, Gold Plated Chain, Steel Nail, 12″x18″x6″, 2021
Pulserita, Polyurethane Resin, Scarlet Macaw Feathers, Used Prayer Bracelet, Steel Nail, 5″x15″x12″, 2021
Rosario Guadalupano, Polyurethane Resin, Gold Plated Rosary, 9″x4″x2.5″, 2021
Entwined (bound), Polyurethane Resin, Cut Chain Links, Black Light, Dim. Variable, 2020

A Pound of Feathers, A Pound of Steel, Concrete, Rebar, Copper Etching, Medallion,
Rosary, Cast Stone, Macaw Feathers, Copper Chain, 6 ft x 1 ft x .75 ft, 2021